Saxifraga cotyledon - Strauß-Steinbrech

Saxifraga Cotyledon - Strauß -Steinbruch

Saxifraga Cotyledon, also known as a bouquet stone, belongs to...
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Dryas octopetala - Weiße Silberwurz

Dryas Octopetala - white silver root

Dryas Octopetala, also known as a white silver root, belongs...
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Vaccinium myrtillus - Heidelbeere

Vaccinium myrtillus - blueberry

Vaccinium myrtillus, generally known as blueberry or blueberry, belongs to...
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Carex nigra - Braun-Segge

Carex Nigra - Braun -Segge

Carex Nigra, popularly known as Braun-Segge or meadow segge, belongs...
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Betula nana - Zwerg Birke

Betula Nana - Dwarf Birke

Betula Nana, generally known as a dwarf birch or polar...
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Artemisia absinthium - Wermut

Artemisia absinthe - wormwood

Artemisia Absinthium, generally known as wormwood, belongs to the Korbblütler...
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Betula pubescens - Moorbirke

Betula Pubescens - Moorbirke

Betula Pubescens, generally known as Moorbirke, belongs to the family...
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