Satureja spicigera - Kriechendes Bohnenkraut

Satureja spicigera - Creeping savory

Satureja spicigera, also known as creeping savory, belongs to the...
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Danae racemosa - Alexandrinischer Lorbeer

Danae racemosa - Alexandrian laurel

Danae racemosa, known as Alexandrian laurel, is an evergreen plant...
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Parrotia persica - Persischer Eisenholzbaum

Parrotia persica - Persian ironwood

Parrotia persica, generally known as the Persian ironwood, is a...
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Potentilla kurdica - Kurdisches Fingerkraut

Potentilla kurdica - Kurdish cinquefoil

Potentilla kurdica, also known as Kurdish cinquefoil, belongs to the...
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Centaurea cheiranthifolia - Goldlackblättrige Flockenblume

Centaurea Cheiranthifolia - gold lacquer -leaved flake flower

Centaurea Chyranthifolia, also known as gold -lacquered flake flower, belongs...
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Betonica macrantha - Großblütige Betonie

Betonica Macrantha - large -flowered concrete

Betonica Macrantha, generally known as a large-flowered concrete or Caucasus-Betonie,...
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Levisticum officinale - Liebstöckel

Levisticum Officinale - Liebstöckel

Levisticum Officinale, also known as a lovage or a maggic...
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Tilia × euchlora - Krimlinde

Tilia × Eschlora - Krimlinde

Tilia × Eschlora, also known as a Crimea Linde, is...
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Physochlaina orientalis - Büschelbilsenkraut

Physochlaina Orientalis - Büschelbilskraut

Physochlaina Orientalis, generally known as a tufted picture, belongs to...
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