Salvia pratensis - Wiesensalbei

Salvia pratensis

Salvia pratensis belongs to the family of the Lamiaceae and...
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Hamamelis japonica - Japanische Zaubernuss

Hamamelis japonica

The Hamamelis japonica plant belongs to the family of the...
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Pinus nigra - Schwarzkiefer

Pinus nigra - Black pine

Pinus nigra, also known as a black pine, is a...
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Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - Echte Bärentraube

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - Bearberry

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, generally known as the Bearberry, belongs to the...
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Viburnum prunifolium - Pflaumenblättriger Schneeball

Viburnum prunifolium

Viburnum prunifolium is a multi -born shrub or small tree...
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Elymus repens - Quecke

Elymus repens

Elymus repens is a persistent grass species from the family...
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Gaultheria procumbens - Scheinbeere

Gaultheria procumbens

Gaultheria procumbens is an evergreen, low -growing plant from the...
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Papaver somniferum - Schlafmohn

Papaver somniferum - Opium poppy

Papaver somniferum, generally known as a opium poppy, is a...
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Digitalis purpurea - Roter Fingerhut

Digitalis purpurea - Red foxglove

Digitalis purpurea, also known as the red foxglove, is a...
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