Betula utilis subsp. albosinensis - Kupferbirke

Betula Utilis subsp. Albosinensis - copper birch

Betula Utilis subsp. Albosinensis, generally known as the copper birch,...
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Rhododendron Hybride 'Gordian'

Rhododendron hybrid 'gordian'

'Gordian' is a hybrid that was created by the intersection...
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Rhododendron yakushimanum 'Flava'

Rhododendron Yakushimanum 'Flava'

Rhododendron Yakushimanum Hybrid 'Flava' is a striking and sought-after breeding...
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Paeonia daurica subsp. mlokosewitschii - Molly the Witch

Paeonia Daurica Sub. Mlokosewitschii - Molly the Witch

Paeonia Daurica Sub. Mlokosewitschii, also known as "Molly the Witch",...
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Telekia speciosa - Großblumiger Scheinalant

Telekia Speciosa - Large Floral Scheinalant

Telekia Speciosa, also known as a large -flowered telekie or...
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Salix arctica - Arktische Weide

Salix Arctica - Arctic pasture

Salix Arctica, also known as Arctic pasture, belongs to the...
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