Huperzia squarrosa

Huperzia squarrosa

Huperzia squarrosa is an evergreen vascular plant from the family...
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Hypolepis tenuifolia

Hypolepis tenuifolia

Hypolepis tenuifolia belongs to the Dennstaedtiaceae family and is widespread...
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Adiantum tenerum - Zarter Frauenhaarfarn

Adiantum tenerum

Adiantum tenerum belongs to the family of the Pteridaceae and...
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Gossypium darwinii - Galápagos Baumwolle

Gossypium darwinii - Galápagos cotton

Gossypium darwinii, also known as "Darwin-Wolle" or "Galápago's cotton", belongs...
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Polyscias fruticosa - Rötliche Fiederaralie

Polyscias fruticosa

Polyscias fruticosa belongs to the Araliaceae family and is a...
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Piper sarmentosum - Pfefferblatt

Piper sarmentosum - Pepper leaf

Piper sarmentosum, a species from the family of pepper plants...
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