Larrea tridentata - Kreosotbusch

Larrea Tridata - Kreosotbusch

Larrea Tridata, generally known as "Kreosotbusch" or "Greetwood", belongs to...
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Fouquieria columnaris - Boojum-Baum

Fouquieria Columnaris - Boojum -Baum

Fouquieria Columnaris, generally known as "Boojum-Baum", belongs to the Fouquieriaceae...
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Kleinia pendula

Kleinia Pendula

Kleinia Pendula belongs to the Asteraceae family. This plant is...
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Aloe humilis - Igel Aloe

Aloe humilis - hedgehog aloe

Aloe Humilis, also known as "hedgehog aloe" or "low-growing aloe",...
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Aloe peglerae

Aloe Peglerae

Aloe Peglerae, is a succulent from the ASPHODELACEAE family. This...
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Euphorbia guentheri

Euphorbia Guentheri

Euphorbia Guentheri is a succulent from the wolf milk family...
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