Citrus maxima - Pampelmuse

Citrus Maxima - Pampel Muse

Citrus Maxima, generally known as Pomelo or Pampel Muse, is...
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Fuchsia lycioides

Fuchsia Lycioides

Fuchsia Lycioides belongs to the family of Nighting primrose plants...
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Pistacia lentiscus - Mastixstrauch

Pistacia lentiscus - mastic shrub

Pistacia Lentiscus, generally known as a mastic shrub, is an...
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Lagenaria siceraria - Flaschenkürbis

Lagenaria Siceraria - bottle pumpkin

Lagenaria Siceraria, known as bottle pumpkin or bottle pumpkin lantern,...
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Brocchinia reducta - Fleischfressende Bromelie

Brocchinia Reducta - carnivorous bromelia

Brocchinia Reducta is a carnivorous plant that belongs to the...
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Bidens triplinervia - Goldmarie

Bidens Triplinervia - Goldmarie

Bidens Triplinervia, generally known as Goldmarie, belongs to the Korbblütler...
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Cyperus prolifer - Zyperngras

Cyperus prolifer - Cyprus grass

Cyperus Prolifer, popularly known as Cyprus grass, is a species...
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Canna indica - Indisches Blumenrohr

Canna Indica - Indian flower tube

Canna Indica, known as an Indian flower tube, belongs to...
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Alstroemeria x cultorum 'Summer Breeze' - Inkalilie

Alstroemeria X Cultorum 'Summer Breeze' - Incalile

Astroemeria X Cultorum 'Summer Breeze' is a remarkable variety of...
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