Plumbago auriculata - Kap-Bleiwurz

Plumbago Auriculata - Cape Calculation

Plumbago Auriculata, generally known as a Cap-Leiwurz, belongs to the...
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Viola tricolor - Wildes Stiefmütterchen

Viola Tricolor - Wild Pussy Mütterchen

Viola Tricolor, generally known as wild steps, is a petite...
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Strelitzia reginae - Paradiesvogelblume

Strelitzia Reginae - bird of paradise

Strelitzia Reginae, generally known as a bird of paradise or...
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Crinum × powellii - Hakenlilie

Crinum × powellii - hook lily

Crinum × Powellii, also known as a hook lily, is...
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Begonia cucullata - Wachsbegonie

Begonia Cucullata - wax gef

Begonia Cucullata, generally known as "hooded gegonie" or "wax gef",...
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Senna corymbosa - Gewürzrinde

Senna Corymbosa - spice bark

Senna Corymbosa, also known as Argentine Senna or spice bark,...
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Amaranthus caudatus - Garten Fuchsschwanz

Amaranthus caudatus - Inka Korn

Amaranthus caudatus, also called Inca Korn or garden foxtail, belongs...
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Silene chalcedonica - Brennende Liebe

Silene Chalcedonica - Burning Love

Silene Chalcedonica, generally known as fire flower or burning love,...
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Cosmos bipinnatus - Schmuckkörbchen

Cosmos Bipinnatus - jewelry basket

Cosmos Bipinnatus, also known as jewelry baskets or garden homes,...
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