Solanum betaceum - Baumtomate

Solanum Betaceum - tree tomato

Solanum Betaceum, generally known as tree tomato or Tamarillo, is...
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Citrus reticulata - Mandarine

Citrus Reticulata - Mandarine

Citrus Reticulata, generally known as a mandarin, is a citrus...
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Trichosanthes cucumerina - Schlangenhaargurke

Trichosanthes Cucumerina - snake hair cucumber

Trichosanthes cucumerina, generally known as snake hair cucumber, is a...
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Basella alba - Malabarspinat

Basella Alba - Malabar spinach

Basella Alba, generally known as malabar spinach, is a herbaceous...
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Saccharum officinarum - Zuckerrohr

Saccharum officinarum - sugar cane

Saccharum Officinarum, generally known as a sugar cane, is an...
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Ficus carica - Feigenbaum

Ficus Carica - fig tree

Ficus Carica, generally known as fig tree, is a fascinating...
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Cereus repandus - Felsenkaktus

Cereus Repandus - rock cactus

Cereus Repandus, generally known as the rock cactus or column...
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Cucurbita maxima - Riesenkürbis

Cucurbita Maxima - giant ribis

Cucurbita Maxima, generally known as the giant ribis, belongs to...
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Glycine max - Sojabohne

Glycine Max - soybean

Glycine Max, generally known as a soybean, is an important...
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