Begonia incarnata

Begonia Incarnata

Begonia Incarnata belongs to the family of the Begonia family...
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Alocasia portei

Alocasia Portei

Alocasia Portei belongs to the family of the Arone stable...
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Ficus religiosa - Bodhibaum

Ficus Religiosa - Bodhibaum

Ficus Religiosa, also known as the holy fig tree or...
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Musa × paradisiaca - Dessertbanane

Musa × paradisca - dessertbanana

Musa × Paradisiaca, generally known as the dessert banana, is...
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Araucaria bidwillii - Queensland-Araukarie

Araucaria Bidwillii - Queensland Araucaria

Araucaria Bidwillii, generally known as Queensland Araucaria, is located in...
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Chamaerops humilis - Europäische Zwergpalme

Chamaerops Humilis - European Dwarf Palm

Chamaerops Humilis, generally known as European dwarf palm or Mediterranean...
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Coccothrinax barbadensis - Barbados-Palme

Cocothrinax Barbadensis - Barbados -Palme

Cocothrinax Barbadensis, generally known as Barbados palm, belongs to the...
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Attalea cohune - Cohune-Palme

Attalea Cohune - Cohune palm

Attalea Cohune, generally known as Cohune Palm or Cohune-Nuss-Palme, belongs...
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Castanea sativa - Esskastanie

Castanea sativa - dining chestnut

Castanea Sativa, generally known as chestnut or noble chestnut, is...
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