Hydrangea petiolaris - Kletterhortensie

Hydrangea Petiaolis - climbing hydrangea

Hydrangea Petiaolaris, also called climbing hydrangea in German, belongs to...
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Artemisia michauxiana - Michaux-Beifuß

Artemisia Michauxiana - Michaux complaint

Artemisia Michauxiana, generally known as Michaux, is at home in...
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Primula auriculata

Primula auriculata

The origin of Primula Auriculata is located in Southwest Asia,...
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Primula alpicola - Mondschein Primel

Primula Alpicola - Moonlight Primel

Primula Alpicola, also called the moonlight primel, is located in...
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Primula florindae - Tibet-Primel

Primula Florindae - Tibet Primel

Primula Florindae, also known as Tibet Primel, comes from the...
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Betonica macrantha - Großblütige Betonie

Betonica Macrantha - large -flowered concrete

Betonica Macrantha, generally known as a large-flowered concrete or Caucasus-Betonie,...
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Tanacetum vulgare - Rainfarn

Tanacetum Vulgare - Rainfarn

Tanacetum Vulgare, generally known as Rainfarn, belongs to the Korbblütler...
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Viburnum lantana - Wolliger Schneeball

Viburnum lantana - woolen snowball

Viburnum Lantana, also known as a woolly snowball, belongs to...
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Artemisia pontica - Pontischer Beifuß

Artemisia pontica - pontic mugwort

Artemisia Pontica, also known as a pontic mugwort, is particularly...
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