Paulownia fortunei - Blauglockenbaum

Paulownia Fortunei - Blue Color Tree

Paulownia Fortunei, also known as a blue bell tree, is...
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Hepatica nobilis - Leberblümchen

Hepatica Nobilis - Leberflümchen

Hepatica Nobilis, generally known as liver flowers, belongs to the...
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Plumbago auriculata - Kap-Bleiwurz

Plumbago Auriculata - Cape Calculation

Plumbago Auriculata, generally known as a Cap-Leiwurz, belongs to the...
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Myosotis sylvatica - Wald-Vergissmeinnicht

Myosotis Sylvatica - Wald -Gissmeinnicht

Myosotis Sylvatica, generally known as the forest reference, belongs to...
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Mertensia maritima - Austernpflanze

Mertensia Maritima - oyster plant

Mertensia Maritima, generally known as oyster plant or coastal blue...
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Strelitzia reginae - Paradiesvogelblume

Strelitzia Reginae - bird of paradise

Strelitzia Reginae, generally known as a bird of paradise or...
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