Allium sikkimense - Sikkim-Lauch

Allium Sikkimensse - Sikkim -Luch

Allium Sikkimense, generally known as Sikkim-Lauch, belongs to the Amaryllidaceae...
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Aster diplostephioides

Aster DiplosTephiides

Aster DiplosTephioides is particularly native to the high mountain regions...
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Cornus canadensis - Kanadischer Hartriegel

Cornus canadensis - Canadian hard drain

Cornus Canadensis, generally known as the Canadian hardwear or carpet...
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Erigeron speciosus - Prächtiges Berufkraut

Erigeron Speciosus - magnificent professional herb

Erigeron Speciosus, generally known as a magnificent professional herb, is...
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Sedum oreganum - Oregon-Fetthenne

Sedum oreganum - Oregon -fatthenne

Sedum Oreganum, generally known as Oregon-Fetthene or Oregon wallflower, is...
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Heuchera cylindrica - Walzen-Purpurglöckchen

Heuchera Cylindrica - roller -purple bells

Heuchera Cylindrica, also known as rolling purple bells, belongs to...
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Primula waltonii - Feenprimel

Primula Waltonii - Fairy Primel

Primula Waltonii, also known as a fairy leader, is located...
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Primula vialii - Orchideen-Primel

Primula Vialii - Orchid Primel

Primula Vialii, also known as an orchid primel, is located...
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Primula auricula - Aurikel

Primula Auricula - Aurikel

Primula Auricula, also known as Aurikel or Berg-Aurikel, is located...
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