Lonicera caerulea - Blaue Heckenkirsche

Lonicera Caerulea - blue hedge cherry

Lonicera Caerulea, generally known as blue hedge cherry or MaiBeere,...
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Quercus rubra - Amerikanische Roteiche

Quercus rubra - American red oak

Quercus rubra, known as red oak or American red oak,...
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Saxifraga cotyledon - Strauß-Steinbrech

Saxifraga Cotyledon - Strauß -Steinbruch

Saxifraga Cotyledon, also known as a bouquet stone, belongs to...
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Gentiana acaulis - Stängelloser Enzian

Gentiana Acaulis - Stänginlichen Enzian

Gentiana Acaulis, also known as the Stanglichen Enzian or Kochs...
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Gentiana asclepiadea - Schwalbenwurz-Enzian

Gentiana Asclepiadea - Schwalbenwurz -Enzian

Gentiana Asclepiadea, also known as Schwalbenwurz-Enzian, belongs to the Gentianaceae...
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Paeonia daurica subsp. mlokosewitschii - Molly the Witch

Paeonia Daurica Sub. Mlokosewitschii - Molly the Witch

Paeonia Daurica Sub. Mlokosewitschii, also known as "Molly the Witch",...
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Fragaria virginiana - Scharlach-Erdbeere

Fragaria Virginiana - Scarlach Erdberry

Fragaria Virginiana, generally known scarlet-earthberry, belongs to the Rosaceae family....
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Dryas octopetala - Weiße Silberwurz

Dryas Octopetala - white silver root

Dryas Octopetala, also known as a white silver root, belongs...
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Salix reticulata - Netz-Weide

Salix Reticulata - network pasture

Salix Reticulata, known as network pasture or network-leaved pasture, belongs...
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