Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala - Feuer-Ahorn

Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala - Amur maple

Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala, also known as a Amur maple,...
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Cornus florida - Amerikanischer Blumenhartriegel

Cornus florida - Flowering dogwood

Cornus florida, also known as a flowering dogwood, is an...
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Cornus controversa - Etagen-Hartriegel

Cornus controversa - Wedding Cake Tree

Cornus controversa, also known as the "Wedding Cake Tree" (because...
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Acer tataricum - Tatarischer Steppenahorn

Acer tataricum

Acer tataricum belongs to the family of Sapindaceae. This species...
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Acer capillipes - Schlangenhaut-Ahorn

Acer capillipes

Acer capillipes is a deciduous tree species from the family...
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Fothergilla latifolia - Großer Federbuschstrauch

Fothergilla latifolia

Fothergilla latifolia is a summer green shrub plant from the...
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Hamamelis japonica - Japanische Zaubernuss

Hamamelis japonica

The Hamamelis japonica plant belongs to the family of the...
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Parrotia persica - Persischer Eisenholzbaum

Parrotia persica - Persian ironwood

Parrotia persica, generally known as the Persian ironwood, is a...
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