Lysichiton camtschatcensis - Weiße Scheinkalla

Lysichiton Camchatcensis - white bogus

The white bogus, scientifically known as Lysichiton Camchatcensis, belongs to...
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Calla palustris - Drachenwurz

Calla palustris - dragon root

The dragon root, scientifically known as Calla Palustris, is a...
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Sagittaria sagittifolia - Pfeilkraut

Sagittaria sagittifolia - arrow herb

The arrow herb, scientifically known as Sagittaria SagittiFolia, is an...
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Gunnera tinctoria - Mammutblatt

Gunnera Tinctoria - Mammutblatt

Gunnera Tinctoria, also known as the mammoth leaf, is located...
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Ampelopsis glandulosa - Ussuri-Scheinrebe

Ambelopsis Glandulosa - Ussuri femorial vine

The traffic lights of Glandulosa, also known as the Ussuri...
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Hylotelephium spectabile - Fetthenne

Hylotelephium Spectabiles - Fetthenne

HylotelPhium Spectabiles, generally known as fathenne, belongs to the family...
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