Danae racemosa - Alexandrinischer Lorbeer

Danae racemosa - Alexandrian laurel

Danae racemosa, known as Alexandrian laurel, is an evergreen plant...
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Hosta ventricosa - Glocken-Funkie

Hosta ventricosa

Hosta ventricosa belongs to the family of asparagus plants (Asparagaceae)...
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Hyacinthoides non-scripta - Atlantisches Hasenglöckchen

Hyacinthoides non-scripta - Common bluebell

Hyacinthoides non-scripta, also known as the common bluebell, is a...
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Maianthemum dilatatum - Schattenblume

Maianthemum dilatatum - Snakeberry

Maianthemum dilatatum, often referred to the name "Snakeberry", is a...
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Polygonatum latifolium - Breitblättrige Weißwurz

Polygonatum latifolium - Solomon's seal

Polygonatum latifolium, known as a solomon's seal, belongs to the...
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Agave victoriae-reginae - Königin Victoria Agave

Agave victoriae-reginae - Queen Victoria Agave

Agave victoriae-reginae, known as Queen Victoria Agave, belongs to the...
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Dracaena pethera

Dracaena pethera

Dracaena pethera belongs to the family of Asparagaceae. This type...
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Agave mitis

Agave mitis

Agave mitis belongs to the family of Asparagaceae. It is...
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Agave cerulata

Agave cerulata

Agave cerulata, also known as "Blue Agave" or "Agave of...
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