Asparagus aethiopicus

Asparagus aethiopicus

Asparagus aethiopicus belongs to the family of asparagus plants (Asparagaceae)...
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Thalictrum minus - Kleine Wiesenraute

Thalictrum minus - small meadow roots

Thalictrum minus, generally known as small meadow rwards, belongs to...
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Mentha longifolia - Rossminze

Mentha Longifolia - Rossmint

Mentha Longifolia, generally known as a long -leaf mint or...
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Haworthiopsis × curta

Haworthiopsis × curta

Horthiopsis × Curta is a hybrid from the genus haworthiopsis,...
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Aloe peglerae

Aloe Peglerae

Aloe Peglerae, is a succulent from the ASPHODELACEAE family. This...
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Aloe verecunda

Aloe verecunda

Aloe Verecunda belongs to the family of the ASPHODELACEAE. This...
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Polypodium vulgare - Tüpfelfarn

Polypodium vulgarian - icmon fern

Polypodium vulgar, generally known as the common icingon, belongs to...
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Cyperus prolifer - Zyperngras

Cyperus prolifer - Cyprus grass

Cyperus Prolifer, popularly known as Cyprus grass, is a species...
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Ochna kirkii - Mickey-Mouse-Pflanze

Ochna Kirkii-Mickey Mouse Plant

Ochna Kirkii, generally known as a Mickey mouse plant or...
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