Conium maculatum - Gefleckter Schierling

Conium maculatum - Spotted hemlock

Conium maculatum, generally known as a spotted hemlock, is a...
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Thalictrum minus - Kleine Wiesenraute

Thalictrum minus - small meadow roots

Thalictrum minus, generally known as small meadow rwards, belongs to...
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Mentha longifolia - Rossminze

Mentha Longifolia - Rossmint

Mentha Longifolia, generally known as a long -leaf mint or...
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Kleinia pendula

Kleinia Pendula

Kleinia Pendula belongs to the Asteraceae family. This plant is...
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Euphorbia guentheri

Euphorbia Guentheri

Euphorbia Guentheri is a succulent from the wolf milk family...
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Lagenaria siceraria - Flaschenkürbis

Lagenaria Siceraria - bottle pumpkin

Lagenaria Siceraria, known as bottle pumpkin or bottle pumpkin lantern,...
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Cyperus prolifer - Zyperngras

Cyperus prolifer - Cyprus grass

Cyperus Prolifer, popularly known as Cyprus grass, is a species...
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Ochna kirkii - Mickey-Mouse-Pflanze

Ochna Kirkii-Mickey Mouse Plant

Ochna Kirkii, generally known as a Mickey mouse plant or...
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Erica arborea - Baumheide

Erica Arborea - Baumheide

Erica Arborea, generally known as Baumheide, belongs to the family...
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