Rhododendron vaseyi - Pinkshell Azalea

Rhododendron Vaseyi - Pinkshell Azalea

Rhododendron Vaseyi, also known as Pinkshell Azalea, belongs to the...
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Salix arctica - Arktische Weide

Salix Arctica - Arctic pasture

Salix Arctica, also known as Arctic pasture, belongs to the...
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Dryas octopetala - Weiße Silberwurz

Dryas Octopetala - white silver root

Dryas Octopetala, also known as a white silver root, belongs...
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Salix reticulata - Netz-Weide

Salix Reticulata - network pasture

Salix Reticulata, known as network pasture or network-leaved pasture, belongs...
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Sorbus poteriifolia

Sorbus Poteriifolia

Sorbus Poteriifolia is located in the mountain regions of East...
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Rhododendron camtschaticum - Kamtschatka-Rhododendron

Rhododendron CamschaTicum - Kamchatka Rhododendron

Rhododendron CamschaTicum, also known as Kamchatka Rhododendron, is primarily native...
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Rhododendron pronum

Rhododendron pronum

Rhododendron Pronum is a fascinating way within the genus Rhododendron,...
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Rhododendron microgynum

Rhododendron microgynum

Rhododendron Microgynum is known for its small but striking flowers...
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Rhododendron citriniflorum

Rhododendron citriniflorum

Rhododendron Citriniflorum is particularly known for its striking, lemon yellow...
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