Acer negundo - Eschen-Ahorn

Acer negundo - Box elder

Acer negundo, known as an box elder, is a summer...
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Aruncus sylvester var. sylvester

Aruncus sylvester var. sylvester

Aruncus sylvester var. sylvester is a multi -year herbaceous plant...
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Taxus cuspidata - Japanische Eibe

Taxus cuspidata - Japanese yew

Taxus cuspidata, generally known as Japanese yew, is an evergreen...
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Torreya nucifera - Japanische Nusseibe

Torreya nucifera - Japanese torreya

Torreya nucifera, also known as the Japanese torreya, is an...
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Acer cissifolium - Cissusblättriger Ahorn

Acer cissifolium - Vine-leafed maple

Acer cissifolium, also known as vine-leafed maple, is a deciduous...
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Gerrardanthus macrorhizus

Gerrardanthus macrorhizus

Gerrardanthus macrorhizus belongs to the family of pumpkin plants (Cucurbitaceae)....
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Acer stachyophyllum

Acer stachyophyllum

Acer stachyophyllum belongs to the family of Sapindaceae. This species...
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Acer capillipes - Schlangenhaut-Ahorn

Acer capillipes

Acer capillipes is a deciduous tree species from the family...
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Ribes fasciculatum - Dolden-Johannisbeere

Ribes fasciculatum

Ribes fasciculatum, a species from the Grossulariaceae family, is native...
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