Prunus cerasifera - Kirschpflaume

Prunus Cerasifera - cherry plum

Prunus Cerasifera, known as cherry plum or wild plum in...
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Caragana arborescens - Gewöhnlicher Erbsenstrauch

Caragana arborescens - ordinary pea bush

Caragana Arborescence, generally known as an ordinary pea bush, belongs...
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Lonicera webbiana

Lonicera Webbiana

Lonicera Webbiana belongs to the family of the Caprifoliaceae (hing...
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Lonicera korolkowii

Lonicera Korolkowii

Lonicera Korolkowii belongs to the family of the Caprifoliaceae (hing...
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Gentiana lhassica

Gentiana Lhassica

The plant Gentiana Lhassica, a species from the family of...
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Gentiana cachemirica - Kashmir-Enzian

Gentiana Cachemirica - Kashmir -Enzian

Gentiana Cachemirica is a striking plant from the family of...
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