Rhododendron ferrugineum - Rostblättrige Alpenrose

Rhododendron ferrugineum

Rhododendron ferrugineum is an evergreen shrub plant that belongs to...
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Betula pendula - Hängebirke

Betula pendula - Silver birch

Betula pendula, also known as silver birch, is one of...
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Oenothera biennis - Nachtkerze

Oenothera Biennis - evening candle

Oenothera Biennis, generally known as ordinary evening primrose, is a...
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Spiraea chamaedryfolia - Gamander-Spierstrauch

Spiraea chamaedryfolia - Germander meadowsweet

Spiraea chamaedryfolia, known as germander meadowsweet, is a shrub-like plant...
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Cotoneaster niger - Schwarze Zwergmispel

Cotoneaster niger

Cotoneaster niger belongs to the Rosaceae family. This little -known...
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Digitalis grandiflora - Großblütiger Fingerhut

Digitalis grandiflora - Yellow foxglove

Digitalis grandiflora, also known as yellow foxglove, is a multi...
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Larix decidua - Europäische Lärche

Larix decidua - European larch

Larix decidua, generally known as European larch, is a deciduous...
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Sambucus ebulus - Zwerg-Holunder

Sambucus ebulus - Danewort

Sambucus ebulus, known as a danewort, is a multi-year herbaceous...
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Pinus cembra - Zirbelkiefer

Pinus cembra - Swiss pine

Pinus cembra, also known as Swiss pine, is a slowly...
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