Centaurea aspera - Rauhe Flockenblume

Centaurea aspera - Rough Star-thistle

Centaurea aspera, known as the rough star-thistle, belongs to the...
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Tulipa praestans - Vortreffliche Tulpe

Tulipa praestans

Tulipa praestans belongs to the family of Liliaceae and is...
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Lunaria rediviva - Ausdauerndes Silberblatt

Lunaria rediviva - Perennial honesty

Lunaria rediviva, also known as perennial honesty, is a multi-year...
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Crassula ovata - Geldbaum

Crassula ovata

Crassula ovata is a succulent plant from the family of...
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Dracaena pethera

Dracaena pethera

Dracaena pethera belongs to the family of Asparagaceae. This type...
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Dendrobium kingianum

Dendrobium kingianum

Dendrobium kingianum is an orchid type from the genus Dendrobium,...
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Rhododendron Hybride 'Susan'

Rhododendron hybrid 'susan'

The rhododendron hybrid 'Susan' is a remarkable variety that captivates...
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Soldanella minima - Zwerg Alpenglöckchen

Soldanella minima - dwarf alpine bells

Soldanella Minima, also known as the dwarf Alpine bells, is...
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Solanum quitoense - Lulo

Solanum Quitoense - Lulo

Solanum Quitoense, generally known as Naranjilla or Lulo, is primarily...
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