Agave parrasana - Parras-Agave

Agave Parrasana - Parras -Agave

Agave Parrasana, also known as a Parras agave, is a...
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Rhodocactus grandifolius

Rhodocactus Grandifolius

Rhodocactus Grandifolius is a native green, succulent shrub or tree...
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Dracaena singularis - Drachenpflanze

Dracaena Singularis - Dragon Plant

Dracaena Singularis, generally known as a unique dragon plant, is...
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Cereus repandus - Felsenkaktus

Cereus Repandus - rock cactus

Cereus Repandus, generally known as the rock cactus or column...
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Echeveria harmsii - Mexikanische Glanzrose

Echeveria Harmsii - Mexican gloss rose

Echeveria Harmsii, generally known as Mexican gloss rose, belongs to...
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Agave montana - Bergagave

Agave Montana - Bergagave

The Agave Montana, also known as Berg-Agave, belongs to the...
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Hylotelephium spectabile - Fetthenne

Hylotelephium Spectabiles - Fetthenne

HylotelPhium Spectabiles, generally known as fathenne, belongs to the family...
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Furcraea foetida - Grüne Agave

Furcraea foetida - green agave

Furraea Foetida, generally known as the agave of the Caribbean...
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Salicornia europaea - Queller

Salicornia Europaea - Queller

Salicornia Europaea, also known as the source or salt herb,...
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