Hippeastrum cybister

Hippeastrum cybister

Hippeastrum cybister, an extraordinary type of genus hip astrum, belongs...
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Erythroxylum novogranatense - Kolumbianischer Kokastrauch

Erythroxylum novogranatense

Erythroxylum novogranatense is part of the family of Erythroxylaceae, which...
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Banisteriopsis caapi - Ayahuasca-Liane / Yagé

Banisteriopsis caapi - Ayahuasca -plant / Yagé

Banisteriopsis caapi is a Liane from the Malpighiaceae family and...
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Sagittaria latifolia - Breitblättrige Pfeilkraut

Sagittaria latifolia - wide -leaf arrow herb

Sagittaria Latifolia, generally known as "broad -leaf arrow herb" or...
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Ruellia chartacea

Ruellia Chartacea

Ruellia Chartacea belongs to the Akanthus family family (Acanthaceae). This...
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Nicotiana sylvestris - Waldtabak

Nicotiana Sylvestris - forest tobacco

Nicotiana Sylvestris, generally known as forest tobacco, belongs to the...
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Nicotiana glauca - Baumtabak

Nicotiana Glauca - tree tobacco

Nicotiana Glauca, generally known as tree tobacco, belongs to the...
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Tinantia erecta - Aufrechte Witwenträne

Tinantia erecta - upright widow tear

Tinantia ERECTA, also known as upright widow tears, belongs to...
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Commelina tuberosa - Blaue Tagblume

Commelina Tuberosa - Blue Tagblume

Commelina Tuberosa, generally known as a blue day flower, belongs...
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