Alpinia purpurata - Roter Ingwer

Alpinia Purpurata - Red Ginger

Alpinia Purpurata, generally known as the red ginger or Tahitian...
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Hakea persiehana

HaKea Persiehahana - Persie's HaKea

Hakea Persiehahane belongs to the family of silver tree plants...
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Pseudobombax ellipticum - Shaving Brush Tree

Pseudobombax Ellipticum - Shaving Brush Tree

Pseudobombax Ellipticum, generally known as "Shaving Brush Tree" or "Mexican...
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Melaleuca bracteata - Black Tea Tree

Melaluca Bracteata - Black Tea Tree

Melaleuca Bracteata, generally known as "Black Tea Tree" or "River...
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Haworthiopsis × curta

Haworthiopsis × curta

Horthiopsis × Curta is a hybrid from the genus haworthiopsis,...
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Dioscorea elephantipes

Dioscorea elephantipes - turtle plant

Dioscorea Elephantipes, also known as a turtle plant, belongs to...
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Larrea tridentata - Kreosotbusch

Larrea Tridata - Kreosotbusch

Larrea Tridata, generally known as "Kreosotbusch" or "Greetwood", belongs to...
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Fouquieria columnaris - Boojum-Baum

Fouquieria Columnaris - Boojum -Baum

Fouquieria Columnaris, generally known as "Boojum-Baum", belongs to the Fouquieriaceae...
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Opuntia polyacantha - Plains Prickly Pear

Opuntia Polyacantha - Plains Prickly Pear

Opuntia Polyacantha, also known as "Plains Prickly Pear" or "Panhandle...
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