Robinia hispida - Borstige Robinie

Robinia hispida - Bristly locust

Robinia hispida, also known as bristly locust, belongs to the...
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Buddleja davidii - Sommerflieder

Buddleja davidii - Summer lilac

Buddleja davidii, also known as a butterfly shrub or summer...
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Trillium chloropetalum

Trillium chloropetalum

Trillium chloropetalum belongs to the family of the Melanthiaceae. This...
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Melittis melissophyllum - Immenblatt

Melittis melissophyllum - Bastard balm

Melittis melissophyllum, known as the bastard balm, belongs to the...
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Astilbe chinensis - Chinesische Prachtspiere

Astilbe chinensis - Chinese astilbe

Astilbe chinensis, the Chinese astilbe, belongs to the family of...
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Primula matthioli subsp. turkestanica

Primula matthioli subsp. turkestanica

Primula matthioli subsp. turkestanica is a subspecies of the Primula...
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Lythrum salicaria - Blutweiderich

Lythrum Salicaria - Blutweiderich

Lythrum Salicaria, generally known as blood pasture or garden parlor,...
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