Muehlenbeckia axillaris - Teppich-Drahtstrauch

Muehlenbeckia axillaris

Muehlenbeckia axillaris belongs to the family of the Polygonaceae and...
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Rheum compactum

Rheum compactum

Rheum Compactum belongs to the family of the polygonaceae. This...
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Rheum × hybridum

Rheum × hybridum

This is an artificial intersection from the Rheum Art "Palmatum"...
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Rumex rugosus - Garten Sauerampfer

Rumex Rugosus - Garden of Sauerabfer

Rumex Rugosus, also known as a frizzy damper or wrinkle,...
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Fagopyrum esculentum - Buchweizen

Fagopyrum esculentum - buckwheat

Fagopyrum esculentism, generally known as buckwheat, belongs to the family...
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Persicaria tinctoria - Färberknöterich

Persicaria Tinctoria - Färberknöterich

Persicaria Tincoria, also known as Japanese Indigo or dye knotgers,...
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