Saccharum officinarum - Zuckerrohr

Saccharum officinarum - sugar cane

Saccharum Officinarum, generally known as a sugar cane, is an...
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Carex nigra - Braun-Segge

Carex Nigra - Braun -Segge

Carex Nigra, popularly known as Braun-Segge or meadow segge, belongs...
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Typha minima - Zwerg-Rohrkolben

Typha minima - dwarf tube piston

Typha minima, generally known as a dwarf tube piston, belongs...
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Cyperus papyrus - Papyrus

Cyperus papyrus - papyrus

Cyperus papyrus, generally known as a papyrus, is a fascinating...
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Triticum turgidum subsp. durum - Hartweizen

Triticum turgidum subsp. Durum - durum wheat

Triticum turgidum subsp. Durum, generally known as durum wheat, represents...
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Triticum aestivum - Weizen

Triticum aestivum - wheat

Triticum aestivum, generally known as wheat, is one of the...
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Hordeum vulgare - Gerste

Hordeum vulgare - barley

Hordeum Vulgare, generally known as barley, is an important grain...
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× Triticosecale rimpaui

× triticosecale rimpaui

It is a hybrid plant that is from intersection of Secale...
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Secale cereale - Roggen

Secale cereal - rye

Secale Cereale, generally known as rye, is an important type...
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