Ageratina aromatica - Ageratum Dost

Ageratina aromatica - Lesser snakeroot

Ageratina aromatica is a multi -year herbaceous plant that is mainly...
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Arum italicum - Italienischer Aronstab

Arum italicum - Italian arum

Italian arum (Arum italicum) is a persistent, herbaceous plant from...
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Rhododendron orbiculare - Rundblättriger Rhododendron

Rhododendron orbiculare - Round-leaved rhododendron

Rhododendron orbiculare, also known as a round-leaved rhododendron, is an...
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Rosa multiflora - Vielblütige Rose

Rosa multiflora - Multifloral Rose

Rosa multiflora, also known as a multifloral Rose, is a...
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Maianthemum dilatatum - Schattenblume

Maianthemum dilatatum - Snakeberry

Maianthemum dilatatum, often referred to the name "Snakeberry", is a...
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Athyrium niponicum - Regenbogenfarn

Athyrium niponicum - Japanese painted fern

Athyrium niponicum, also known as Japanese painted fern, belongs to...
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Larix sibirica - Sibirische Lärche

Larix sibirica - Siberian larch

Larix sibirica, the Siberian larch, is a summer green needle...
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Picea breweriana - Mähnenfichte

Picea breweriana - Brewer spruce

Picea breweriana, also known as brewer spruce, is a rare...
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Torreya nucifera - Japanische Nusseibe

Torreya nucifera - Japanese torreya

Torreya nucifera, also known as the Japanese torreya, is an...
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