Ribes viscosissimum

Ribes viscosissimum

Ribes viscosissimum belongs to the family of the Grossulariaceae. This...
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Ribes bracteosum

Ribes bracteosum

Ribes bracteosum is a deciduous plant from the family of...
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Thuja plicata - Riesenlebensbaum

Thuja Plicata - giant life tree

Thuja Plicata, generally known as the giant life tree or...
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Gentiana plurisetosa

Gentiana Plurisetosa

Gentiana Plurisetosa belongs to the Gentianaceae family. It is located...
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Polemonium pulcherrimum - Schöne Jakobsleiter

Polemonium powderer - beautiful Jakob leader

Polemonium pulcan, generally known as beautiful Jakob leader or Showy...
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Abies lasiocarpa - Felsengebirgs-Tanne

Abies Lasiocarpa - Felsengebirgs -Tanne

Abies Lasiocarpa, generally known as the rock mountain fir, is...
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Phlox douglasii - Polster-Phlox

Phlox Douglasii - Upholster -Phlox

Phlox Douglasii, generally known as the upholstered phlox or Douglas...
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Cornus canadensis - Kanadischer Hartriegel

Cornus canadensis - Canadian hard drain

Cornus Canadensis, generally known as the Canadian hardwear or carpet...
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Tsuga mertensiana - Berg-Hemlocktanne

Tsuga Mertensiana - Berg -Hemlocken

Tsuga Mertensiana, generally known as a mountain hemlock fir, is...
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