Fothergilla gardenii - Zwerg-Federbuschstrauch

Fothergilla gardenii

Fothergilla gardenii belongs to the family of the Hamamelidaceae and...
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Fothergilla latifolia - Großer Federbuschstrauch

Fothergilla latifolia

Fothergilla latifolia is a summer green shrub plant from the...
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Quercus texana - Texas-Eiche

Quercus Texana - Texas oak

Quercus Texana, also known as Texas oak or Nuttal oak,...
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Aquilegia desertorum

Aquilegia desertorum

Aquilegia Desertorum is at home in the dry areas of...
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Pinus aristata - Grannen-Kiefer

Pinus Aristata - Grannen jaw

Pinus Aristata, also known as the Grannen jaw or Rocky...
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Larrea tridentata - Kreosotbusch

Larrea Tridata - Kreosotbusch

Larrea Tridata, generally known as "Kreosotbusch" or "Greetwood", belongs to...
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