Ageratina aromatica - Ageratum Dost

Ageratina aromatica - Lesser snakeroot

Ageratina aromatica is a multi -year herbaceous plant that is mainly...
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Salvia microphylla - Johannisbeer-Salbei

Salvia microphylla - Baby sage

Salvia microphylla, known as "baby sage" or "graham's sage", belongs...
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Robinia hispida - Borstige Robinie

Robinia hispida - Bristly locust

Robinia hispida, also known as bristly locust, belongs to the...
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Cylindropuntia imbricata - Stauden Feigen-Kaktus

Cylindropuntia imbricata - Cane cholla

Cylindropuntia imbricata, also known as Cane cholla or "walking stick...
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Hydrangea quercifolia - Eichenblättrige Hortensie

Hydrangea quercifolia - Oak -leaved hydrangea

The oak -leaved hydrangea, scientifically Hydrangea quercifolia, belongs to the...
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Cornus florida - Amerikanischer Blumenhartriegel

Cornus florida - Flowering dogwood

Cornus florida, also known as a flowering dogwood, is an...
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Sarracenia oreophila - Grüne Schlauchpflanze

Sarracenia oreophila

Sarracenia oreophila is a carnivorous plant from the family of...
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Sarracenia × rehderi

Sarracenia × rehderi

Sarracenia × rehderi is a natural hybrid from the genus...
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Sarracenia leucophylla - Weiße Schlauchpflanze

Sarracenia leucophylla

Sarracenia leucophylla  belongs to the family of the Sarraceniaceae and...
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