Hypolepis tenuifolia

Hypolepis tenuifolia

Hypolepis tenuifolia belongs to the Dennstaedtiaceae family and is widespread...
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Drosera spatulata

Drosera spatulata

Drosera spatulata is a carnivorous plant from the family of...
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Isolepis cernua - Moorbinse

Isolepis cernua

Isolepis cernua is a multi -year plant from the family...
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Arthropodium cirratum - Renga Lilie

Arthropodium cirratum

Arthropodium cirratum is an evergreen, multi -year -old plant that...
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Brachyglottis repanda - Bushman's Friend

Brachyglottis repanda - Bushman's Friend

Brachyglottis repanda, also known as "Rangiora" or "Bushman's Friend", belongs...
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Muehlenbeckia axillaris - Teppich-Drahtstrauch

Muehlenbeckia axillaris

Muehlenbeckia axillaris belongs to the family of the Polygonaceae and...
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