Typha minima - Zwerg-Rohrkolben

Typha minima - dwarf tube piston

Typha minima, generally known as a dwarf tube piston, belongs...
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Cyperus papyrus - Papyrus

Cyperus papyrus - papyrus

Cyperus papyrus, generally known as a papyrus, is a fascinating...
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Agave montana - Bergagave

Agave Montana - Bergagave

The Agave Montana, also known as Berg-Agave, belongs to the...
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Verbena urticifolia - Nesselveilchen

Verbena urticifolia - nettle veil

Verbena Urticifolia, generally known as nettle violet or nettle -leafed...
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Physochlaina orientalis - Büschelbilsenkraut

Physochlaina Orientalis - Büschelbilskraut

Physochlaina Orientalis, generally known as a tufted picture, belongs to...
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Myosotis sylvatica - Wald-Vergissmeinnicht

Myosotis Sylvatica - Wald -Gissmeinnicht

Myosotis Sylvatica, generally known as the forest reference, belongs to...
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Mertensia maritima - Austernpflanze

Mertensia Maritima - oyster plant

Mertensia Maritima, generally known as oyster plant or coastal blue...
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Hyoscyamus albus - Weißes Bilsenkraut

Hyoscyamus albus - white bilsrot

Hyoscyamus Albus, generally known as white bils, is a herbaceous...
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Nicotiana glauca - Baumtabak

Nicotiana Glauca - tree tobacco

Nicotiana Glauca, generally known as tree tobacco, belongs to the...
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