Pritchardia lanigera

Pritchhardia Lanigera

Pritchhardia Lanigera belongs to the family of palm plants (Arecaceae)....
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Trachycarpus fortunei - Hanfpalme

Trachycarpus Fortunei - Hanfpalme

Trachycarpus Fortunei, generally known as Chinese hemp palm or windmill...
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Ficus sinuata

Ficus Sinuata

Ficus Sinuata belongs to the Moraceae family. This species is...
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Musa × paradisiaca - Dessertbanane

Musa × paradisca - dessertbanana

Musa × Paradisiaca, generally known as the dessert banana, is...
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Alocasia odora - Riesen-Elefantenohr

Alocasia Odora - giant elephant ear

Alocasia Odora, generally known as a giant elephant ear or...
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Dicliptera raui

Dicliptera Raui

Dicliptera Raui belongs to the family of Acanthaceae and is...
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Citrus japonica - Kumquat

Citrus Japonica - Kumquat

Citrus Japonica, generally known as Kumquat, is a fruit -bearing...
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Bambusa vulgaris

Bambusa vulgaris

Bambusa Vulgaris belongs to the family of the bamboo family...
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Chamaerops humilis - Europäische Zwergpalme

Chamaerops Humilis - European Dwarf Palm

Chamaerops Humilis, generally known as European dwarf palm or Mediterranean...
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