Cathcartia villosa - Zottiger Scheinmohn

Cathcartia Villosa - shaggy sham poppy

Cathcartia Villosa, popularly known as a hairy poppy flower or...
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Phlox douglasii - Polster-Phlox

Phlox Douglasii - Upholster -Phlox

Phlox Douglasii, generally known as the upholstered phlox or Douglas...
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Cornus canadensis - Kanadischer Hartriegel

Cornus canadensis - Canadian hard drain

Cornus Canadensis, generally known as the Canadian hardwear or carpet...
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Erigeron speciosus - Prächtiges Berufkraut

Erigeron Speciosus - magnificent professional herb

Erigeron Speciosus, generally known as a magnificent professional herb, is...
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Eriophyllum lanatum - Wüsten Goldaster

Eriophyllum Lanatum - Wüsten Goldaster

Eriophyllum Lanatum, generally known as the desert goldaster, is a...
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Artemisia michauxiana - Michaux-Beifuß

Artemisia Michauxiana - Michaux complaint

Artemisia Michauxiana, generally known as Michaux, is at home in...
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Heuchera grossulariifolia

Heuchera Grossulariifolia

Heuchera Grossulariifolia is an attractive and versatile plant species that...
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Gentiana setigera

Gentiana Setigera - Mendocino Enzian

Gentiana Setigera, generally known as Mendocino-Enzian, is at home in...
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Aquilegia desertorum

Aquilegia desertorum

Aquilegia Desertorum is at home in the dry areas of...
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