Rhododendron simsii - Zimmerazalee

Rhododendron simsii

Rhododendron simsii, also known as a carpenter, is an evergreen,...
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Rhododendron occidentale - Westliche Azalee

Rhododendron occidentale

Rhododendron occidentale belongs to the family of Ericaceae. This leaf...
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Acer ukurunduense

Acer ukurunduense

Acer ukurunduense is a deciduous tree species from the genus...
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Acer tataricum - Tatarischer Steppenahorn

Acer tataricum

Acer tataricum belongs to the family of Sapindaceae. This species...
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Acer stachyophyllum

Acer stachyophyllum

Acer stachyophyllum belongs to the family of Sapindaceae. This species...
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Spiraea japonica - Japanischer Spierstrauch

Spiraea japonica

Spiraea japonica belongs to the family of rose plants (Rosaceae)....
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Quercus frainetto - Ungarische Eiche

Quercus frainetto - Hungarian oak

Quercus frainetto, also known as Hungarian oak or Italian oak,...
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Deutzia longifolia - Langblättrige Deutzie

Deutzia longifolia

Deutzia longifolia belongs to the family of Hydrangeaceae. It is...
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Deutzia discolor - Verschiedenfarbige Deutzie

Deutzia discolor

Deutzia discolor belongs to the family of Hydrangeaceae, it is...
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