Rhododendron makinoi

Rhododendron Makinoi

Rhododendron Makinoi belongs to the Ericaceae family. This plant is...
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Rhododendron schlippenbachii - Königsazalee

Rhododendron Schlippenbachii - Royal Sacalee

Rhododendron Schlippenbachii, known as the royal seed, belongs to the...
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Hydrangea petiolaris - Kletterhortensie

Hydrangea Petiaolis - climbing hydrangea

Hydrangea Petiaolaris, also called climbing hydrangea in German, belongs to...
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Rhododendron camtschaticum - Kamtschatka-Rhododendron

Rhododendron CamschaTicum - Kamchatka Rhododendron

Rhododendron CamschaTicum, also known as Kamchatka Rhododendron, is primarily native...
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Alocasia odora - Riesen-Elefantenohr

Alocasia Odora - giant elephant ear

Alocasia Odora, generally known as a giant elephant ear or...
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Carpinus laxiflora - Koreanische Hainbuche

Carpinus Laxiflora - Korean hornbeam

Carpinus Laxiflora, generally known as Korean hornbeam, is located in...
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Chamaecyparis obtusa - Hinoki-Scheinzypresse

Chamaecyparis Obtusa - Hinoki femorial cypress

Chamaecyparis Obtusa, generally known as Hinoki femorial press, belongs to...
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Acer japonicum - Japanischer Ahorn

Acer Japonicum - Japanese maple

Acer Japonicum, generally known as Japanese maple, belongs to the...
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Sciadopitys verticillata - Schirmtanne

Sciadopity's verticillata - umbrella tanne

Sciadopity's verticillata, generally known as Japanese umbrella tanne, is an...
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