Primula waltonii - Feenprimel

Primula Waltonii - Fairy Primel

Primula Waltonii, also known as a fairy leader, is located...
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Primula sikkimensis - Sikkim-Primel

Primula Sikkimensis - Sikkim -Primel

Primula Sikkimensis, also known as the Sikkim primel, is at...
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Primula strumosa

Primula strumosa

The origin of Primula Strumosa is located in the Himalaya...
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Primula tanneri

Primula Tanneri

Primula Tanneri comes from the alpine regions of the Himalaya....
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Primula alpicola - Mondschein Primel

Primula Alpicola - Moonlight Primel

Primula Alpicola, also called the moonlight primel, is located in...
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Primula florindae - Tibet-Primel

Primula Florindae - Tibet Primel

Primula Florindae, also known as Tibet Primel, comes from the...
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Primula ioessa

Primula Ioessa

Primula Ioessa is located in the demanding habitats of the...
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Meconopsis baileyi

Meconopsis Baileyi

Meconopsis Baileyi belongs to the poppy seed family (Papaveraceae). This...
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Bergenia stracheyi - Himalaja-Bergenie

Bergenia Stracheyi - Himalaya mountains

Bergenia Stracheyi, also known as Strachey's Bergenia or Himalaya mountains,...
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