Rhododendron luteum - Gelbe Azalee

Rhododendron luteum - yellow azalee

Rhododendron Luteum, also known as yellow azalee, is a type...
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Crataegus tanacetifolia

Crataegus Tanacetifolia

Crataegus Tanacetifolia is a leaf tree or shrub type from...
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Paeonia arietina

Paeonia Arietina

Paeonia Arietina is a herbaceous plant from the family of...
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Saxifraga ferdinandi-coburgi

Saxifraga Ferdinandi-Coburgi

Saxifraga Ferdinandi-Coburgi belongs to the family of the stone breaker...
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Rosa pulverulenta


Rosa PuluUngenta belongs to the family of rose plants (Rosaceae)....
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Aubrieta deltoidea - Griechisches Blaukissen

Aubrieta Deltoidea - Greek blue cushion

Aubrieta Deltoidea, generally known as a Greek blue pillow or...
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