Artemisia abrotanum - Eberraute

Artemisia abrotanum - Southernwood

Artemisia abrotanum, also known as southernwood, belongs to the Asteraceae...
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Satureja spicigera - Kriechendes Bohnenkraut

Satureja spicigera - Creeping savory

Satureja spicigera, also known as creeping savory, belongs to the...
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Lavandula angustifolia - Echter Lavendel

Lavandula angustifolia - True lavender

The true lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), also known as a narrow...
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Myrrhis odorata - Süßdolde

Myrrhis odorata - Sweet cicely

Myrrhis odorata, known as sweet cicely, is a multi-year herbaceous...
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Piper sarmentosum - Pfefferblatt

Piper sarmentosum - Pepper leaf

Piper sarmentosum, a species from the family of pepper plants...
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Bixa orellana - Annattostrauch

Bixa orellana

Bixa orellana is a tropical plant from the Bixaceae family....
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Salvia pratensis - Wiesensalbei

Salvia pratensis

Salvia pratensis belongs to the family of the Lamiaceae and...
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Galium odoratum - Waldmeister

Galium odoratum - Woodruff

Galium odoratum, generally known as woodruff, is a herbaceous plant...
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Meum athamanticum - Bärwurz

Meum Athamanticum - Bärwurz

Meum Athamanticum, generally known as a bear root, belongs to...
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