Epimedium alpinum - Alpen-Elfenblume

Epimedium alpinum - Alpine barrenwort

Alpine barrenwort (Epimedium alpinum) is a delicate, herbaceous plant from...
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Stapelia gigantea - Aasblume

Stapelia gigantea - Zulu giant

Stapelia gigantea, also known as zulu giant, is a fascinating...
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Hippeastrum cybister

Hippeastrum cybister

Hippeastrum cybister, an extraordinary type of genus hip astrum, belongs...
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Primula chungensis - Yunnan-Primel

Primula Chungensis - Yunnan -Primel

Primula Chungensis, generally known as the Yunnan primel, belongs to...
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Zingiber spectabile - Bienenkorb-Ingwer

Zingiber Spectabile - Beekorb -Ingwer

Zingiber Spectabiles, generally known as beehive-ginger, is estimated primarily because...
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Costus elegans

Costus elegans

Costus Elegans is particularly valued in gardens and landscapes because...
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Impatiens niamniamensis - Kongo-Lieschen

Impatiens Niamniamensis - Congo -Lieschen

Impatiens Niamniamensis, generally known as Congo-Lieschen or Congo-Maumengrün, belongs to...
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Nematanthus wettsteinii

Natantanthus Wettsteinii - goldfish plant

Natantanthus Wettsteinii belongs to the family of Gesnerie family (Gesneriaceae)....
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Crescentia alata

Crescentia alata

Crescentia Alata belongs to the Bignoniaceae family. This plant is...
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