Polemonium pulcherrimum - Schöne Jakobsleiter

Polemonium powderer - beautiful Jakob leader

Polemonium pulcan, generally known as beautiful Jakob leader or Showy...
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Rhododendron groenlandicum - Grönländischer Porst

Rhododendron Groenlandicum - Greenland Porst

Rhododendron Groenlandicum, also known as Greenland Porst, belongs to the...
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Sorbus setschwanensis

Sorbus Setschwanensis

Sorbus Setschwanensis, belongs to the Rosaceae family. This deciduous tree...
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Ephedra monosperma

Ephedra Monosperma

Ephedra Monosperma belongs to the Ephedraceae family. This unusual plant...
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Mandragora caulescens - Himalaya-Alraune

Mandragora Caulescens - Himalaya aluminum

Mandragora Caulescens belongs to the family of nightshade plants (Solanaceae)....
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Lonicera trichosantha - Chinesisches Geißblatt

Lonicera Trichosantha - Chinese Geißblatt

Lonicera Trichosantha, popularly known as Chinese Geißblatt or Honeysuckle, is...
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