Aechmea victoriana - Victorianische Aechmea

Aechmea Victoriana - Victorian Aechmea

Aechmea Victoriana, also known as "Victorian Aechmea", belongs to the...
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Ruellia devosiana

Ruellia Devosiana

Ruellia Devosiana belongs to the Family of the Acanthaceae, which...
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Strobilanthes alternata

Strobilanthes Alternata

Strobilanthes Alternata belongs to the family of Acanthaceae. This plant...
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Piper auritum - Mexikanischer Blattpfeffer

Piper auritum - Mexican leaf pepper

Piper Auritum, generally known as "Hoja Santa" or "Mexican leaf...
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Ruellia brevifolia - Shortleaf Ruellia

Ruellia Brevifolia - Shortleaf Ruellia

Ruellia Brevifolia, generally known as Shortleaf Ruellia, belongs to the...
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Ruellia chartacea

Ruellia Chartacea

Ruellia Chartacea belongs to the Akanthus family family (Acanthaceae). This...
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