Ribes leptanthum - Zartblütige Stachelbeere

Ribes leptanthum

Ribes leptanthum belongs to the family of the Grossulariaceae, which...
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Ribes divaricatum - Schwarze Honigbeere

Ribes divaricatum - Spreading Gooseberry

Ribes divaricatum, also known as Spreading Gooseberry, belongs to the...
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Ribes americanum - Kanadische Johannisbeere

Ribes americanum - Canadian currant

Ribes americanum, also known as Canadian currant, belongs to the...
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Ribes bracteosum

Ribes bracteosum

Ribes bracteosum is a deciduous plant from the family of...
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Malus mandshurica - Mandschurischer Beerenapfel

Malus mandshurica - Manchurian berry apple

Malus mandshurica, also known as the Manchurian apple tree, is...
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Malus baccata - Kirschapfel

Malus baccata

Malus baccata belongs to the family of rose plants (rosaceae)....
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Prunus sargentii - Bergkirsche

Prunus sargentii - Sargent's Cherry

Prunus sargentii, generally known as Sargent's Cherry, is a deciduous...
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Prunus mahaleb - Steinweichsel

Prunus mahaleb

Prunus mahaleb is a deciduous tree or shrub from the...
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Vaccinium corymbosum - Amerikanische Heidelbeere

Vaccinium corymbosum - American blueberry

Vaccinium corymbosum, known as American blueberry, is a plant from...
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