Alkanna tinctoria - Färberwurzel

Alkanna Tinctoria - dyeing root

Alkanna Tinctoria, known in popularly known as a dye, belongs...
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Coreopsis tinctoria - Mädchenauge

Coreopsis Tinctoria - girl's eye

Coreopsis Tinctoria, generally known as the colored yellow flower or...
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Fagopyrum esculentum - Buchweizen

Fagopyrum esculentum - buckwheat

Fagopyrum esculentism, generally known as buckwheat, belongs to the family...
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Persicaria tinctoria - Färberknöterich

Persicaria Tinctoria - Färberknöterich

Persicaria Tincoria, also known as Japanese Indigo or dye knotgers,...
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Genista germanica - Deutscher Ginster

Genista Germanica - German ginster

Genista Germanica, generally referred to as German gorse or Brem,...
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Betula nana - Zwerg Birke

Betula Nana - Dwarf Birke

Betula Nana, generally known as a dwarf birch or polar...
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