Gentiana arethusae

Gentiana Arethusae

The plant Gentiana Arethusae, a rare type of the Gentianaceae...
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Gentiana lhassica

Gentiana Lhassica

The plant Gentiana Lhassica, a species from the family of...
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Gentiana septemfida - Sommerenzian

Gentiana Septemfida - Summerenzian

Gentiana Septemfida, also known as Summerenzian, belongs to the Gentianaceae...
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Gentiana cachemirica - Kashmir-Enzian

Gentiana Cachemirica - Kashmir -Enzian

Gentiana Cachemirica is a striking plant from the family of...
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Gentiana dschungarica

Gentiana jungle

Gentiana Dungarica belongs to the Gentianaceae family and comes from...
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Gentiana asclepiadea - Schwalbenwurz-Enzian

Gentiana Asclepiadea - Schwalbenwurz -Enzian

Gentiana Asclepiadea, also known as Schwalbenwurz-Enzian, belongs to the Gentianaceae...
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Gentiana atuntsiensis

Gentiana AtuntSiensis

Gentiana AtuntSiensis belongs to the Gentianaceae family. This plant, which...
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Paeonia daurica subsp. mlokosewitschii - Molly the Witch

Paeonia Daurica Sub. Mlokosewitschii - Molly the Witch

Paeonia Daurica Sub. Mlokosewitschii, also known as "Molly the Witch",...
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Dracocephalum wendelboi

Dracocephalum Wendelboi

Dracocephalum Wendelboi belongs to the family of the lip flower...
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