Banisteriopsis caapi - Ayahuasca-Liane / Yagé

Banisteriopsis caapi - Ayahuasca -plant / Yagé

Banisteriopsis caapi is a Liane from the Malpighiaceae family and...
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Carapichea ipecacuanha - Brechwurzel

Carapichea ipecacuanha

Carapichea ipecacuanha, also known as a crushing root, is an...
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Piper schiedeanum

Piper schiedeanum

Piper schiedeanum is a species from the family of pepper...
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Selaginella grandis

Selaginella grandis

Selaginella grandis belongs to the Selaginellaceae family and the group...
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Ctenanthe oppenheimiana

Ctenanthe oppenheimiana

Ctenanthe oppenheimiana is a tropical plant from the Marantaceae family,...
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Palisota pynaertii

Palisota pynaertii

Palisota pynaertii is an evergreen plant from the family of...
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Crinum purpurascens - Purpur-Hakenlilie

Crinum purpurascens

Crinum purpurascens is an impressive onion plant from the family...
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Viburnum rhytidophyllum - Runzelblättriger Schneeball

Viburnum rhytidophyllum

Viburnum rhytidophyllum belongs to the family of the Viburnaceae and...
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Rhododendron occidentale - Westliche Azalee

Rhododendron occidentale

Rhododendron occidentale belongs to the family of Ericaceae. This leaf...
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